
Old Lean Dudes


It was my honor recently to meet up with some longtime friends and mentors at the Future of People at Work Symposium in Detroit. This two-day, interactive event engaged about 150 attendees, divided into working groups, each focused on one of these contemporary issues:

How will Lean/TPS:

  • Incorporate powerful technological breakthroughs like AI, augmented reality and robotics?
  • Inform supply chain policy and strategy?
  • Engage the next generation of Lean rainmakers?

Our group photo above (from left to right  Peter Ward, Jim Womack, Bruce Hamilton & John Shook) perhaps illustrates the importance of the last of these issues. Time is not on our side to pass the torch to another generation of problem solvers. While Lean/TPS is an unbeatable system to engage people and drive performance, its deployment is still limited outside of Toyota. This is a mystery we need to solve. And, there is urgency to pass on what we have learned to help the next generation of rainmakers solve contemporary and future problems.

Building on what we learned at the Detroit symposium, GBMP has added a special interactive double-session to our 20th Annual Northeast Lean Conference. This session will be facilitated by:

  • Jamie Bonini, Toyota Production System Support Center
  • Eric Olsen, Central Coast Lean
  • Josh Howell, Lean Enterprise Institute
  • Dan Fleming, GBMP Consulting Group

BUT - attendees are the presenters. We want to hear from you. How can Lean enable us to address 21st century challenges? Please join us on November 7-8 in Providence, Rhode Island to help ‘solve the Lean mystery.’   For more conference and session information, click this link: Solve the Lean Mystery


This entry was posted in Toyota Production System. Lean manufacturing, Learning to See, Northeast L.E.A.N. Conference, Lean Management, Lean Culture on August 21 , 2024.

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