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1 min read

Lean Manufacturing huddle and 5S audit boars

GBMP CI Manager Bob Elliott explains - "During training today we were discussing 5S and other types of daily huddle boards  to aide in daily Lean Manufacturing efforts. The group wanted to have one in each area but this particular department, the Lathe department, had no wall space to call its own. The team came up with the idea that - instead of a cork board or a white board on wheels that would eat up valuable floor space - they could just tape the back of the machine into sections and hang all of their 5S audit and related TPS documents there using magnets. The left picture shows a close up and the right shows how they are actually using the previously wasted space on an unused part of a machine."

Do you have a similar issue with not having wall space for boards? How have you solved the problem?  This one is pretty good, don't you think? Feel free to "steal shamelessly". YOKOTEN!

Lean Manufacturing 5S Tips

5S is often the first real workplace effort in a Lean implementation ; as such it is especially vulnerable to tacit learning deficits. Managers...

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2 min read


Last year I had a short stay at one of Boston’s best hospitals. While I will be forever grateful for the excellent treatment I received while in...

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Continuous Improvement Core Values & Principles

Toyota Forklifts calls these their three "Core Principles" - 5S (Workplace Organization), Kaizen (Continuous Improvement) and Genchi Genbutsu (Go &...

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