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Category Archives: shigeo shingo (3)

Can't See

My friend and mentor, Gifford Brown, told me a remarkable story some time back about a visit to his plant in 1987 by Shigeo Shingo in which Shingo,..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, Toast Kaizen, internal customer, kaizen, Shingo Conference, bruce hamilton, toyota production system, shigeo shingo, set-up reduction, quick changeover on February 13 , 2014.


According to the USDA Egg Grading Manual, “Checks [aka ‘cracks’] are an unavoidable problem in the marketing of eggs because eggs cannot be..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, AQL, NE Shingo Conference, standards, quality control, bruce hamilton, shigeo shingo, defects on September 06 , 2013.

Toast Guy

I’ve been doing a lot of speaking at conferences this spring, and I’m always warmly greeted as the “Toast Guy”: the person who produced and starred..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, Toast Kaizen, Taiichi Ohno, Non-stock production, lean in healthcare, shingo prize conference, shigeo shingo on May 30 , 2013.

Lean Transformers

A few years ago, after I gave a speech on Lean at a meeting of the Transformer Association (like the kind on the telephone poles providing..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, transportation, continuous improvement resolutions, bruce hamilton, elimining waste, storage, shigeo shingo on April 23 , 2013.

Lean Avoidance

I went to the gym this morning, April 1, and the gym’s owner, sole employee, and pretty much everyone’s personal trainer, Howie, asked me the same..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, transportation, continuous improvement resolutions, bruce hamilton, elimining waste, storage, shigeo shingo on April 01 , 2013.

Superficial Resolutions

As we begin another new year, here’s a post about resolutions. In most organizations there are plans for something new in 2013 – maybe a new product..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, transportation, continuous improvement resolutions, bruce hamilton, elimining waste, storage, shigeo shingo on January 04 , 2013.

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