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Category Archives: shigeo shingo (2)

Eye of the Beholder

Many moons ago when I was just getting started on my lean journey, I visited a large automotive supplier to benchmark pull systems. My own factory..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, TPS, lean manufacturing, kanban, GBMP, Toast Kaizen, kaizen, TPM, 5S, true north, poka-yoke, toyota production system, shigeo shingo, value stream mapping on May 20 , 2016.

Indefinite Postponement

Today’s post is inspired by the politically charged gobbledygook we call presidential primaries. This battle of principles turned battle of wills..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, GBMP, Toast Kaizen, kaizen, hoshin kanri, true north, toyota production system, shigeo shingo, value stream mapping on April 20 , 2016.

Mistake-Proofing Mistakes

There is a popular lore provided by Shigeo Shingo, that the original name for mistake-proofing (Poka-Yoke) was “fool-proofing” (Baka-Yoke). Shingo..
This entry was posted in lean, old lean dude, six sigma, continuous improvement, standard work, error-proofing, pokayoke, poka-yoke, toyota production system, shigeo shingo, mistake proofing, manufacturing on December 08 , 2015.

Lazy Lean Guy

In 1987, shortly after I became a manufacturing manager, the shop foreman at the time warned me about a young assembler: “Watch out for Michael, he’s..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, TPS, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, Taiichi Ohno, Non-stock production, toyota production system, better faster cheaper easier, shigeo shingo on November 12 , 2015.

Burning Platform

A favorite Twilight Zone episode that played Labor Day weekend put me in mind of the stressful push production environment that many organizations..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, kanban, 7 wastes, overproduction, pull production, push production, shigeo shingo on September 22 , 2015.

P-D Ratios

The last few weeks have been all things Shingo for me including a presentation at the Shingo Institute’s International Conference three weeks ago in..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, TPS, lean manufacturing, GBMP, muda, northeast lean conference, TPM, bruce hamilton, lean maturity, lean in healthcare, MRP, shigeo shingo, culture of improvement on May 27 , 2015.


Sometimes we receive unreasonable and confusing directions, and sometimes we give them. Check out this example. As in the short video clip, even if..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, Toast Kaizen, Shingo Institute, continuous improvement resolutions, bruce hamilton, toyota production system, shigeo shingo on April 13 , 2015.

Artificial Ignorance

For a few years back in the early ‘80’s I fell prey to information automation fascination. I managed an IT department transitioning first from a..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, artificial ignorance, kanban. Bruce Hamiton, inventory control system, Eli Goldratt, Joe Weizenbaum, MRP, information automation, ERP, basic accounting system, shigeo shingo on January 29 , 2015.

Dead See Scrolls

I participated recently in the AME conference in Jacksonville, Florida; a terrific rally for manufacturing excellence with the tongue-twisting theme..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, GBMP, Taiichi Ohno, TEI, respect for people, bruce hamilton, People powered excellence, employee engagement, shigeo shingo, Total Employee Involvement, The Shingo Institute on November 26 , 2014.


Not wishing to rub salt in the wounds of my beleaguered Red Sox, their meteoric rise from last place in 2012 to first place in 2013 and subsequent..
This entry was posted in lean, old lean dude, six sigma, continuous improvement, kaizen, overproduction, gemba, toyota production system, seven wastes, shigeo shingo on September 25 , 2014.

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