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Category Archives: old lean dude (15)

Rowing II

Many managers ask me “How can I accelerate my company’s Lean transformation?” My answer is two fold: First get the direction right, and then get..
This entry was posted in lean, old lean dude, TPS, northeast shingo prize conference, fukuda, TSSC, true north on September 16 , 2013.

Worked Out

I spent a couple years in Florida as a youngster working in a program called VISTA: Volunteers in Service to America. I tried hard to be helpful, but..
This entry was posted in old lean dude on September 11 , 2013.

Northeast Shingo Prize Conference Information Page

Click to Register We apologize for the horrible timing however GBMP's websites are undergoing intermittent maintenance ( and..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, continuous improvement, northeast shingo prize conference, northeast lean conference, best lean conference, arty byrne on September 10 , 2013.


According to the USDA Egg Grading Manual, “Checks [aka ‘cracks’] are an unavoidable problem in the marketing of eggs because eggs cannot be..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, AQL, NE Shingo Conference, standards, quality control, bruce hamilton, shigeo shingo, defects on September 06 , 2013.

Labor Dazed

A century after the first Labor Day celebration, during a factory re-organization, I discovered firsthand the meaning of “territorial imperative.”..
This entry was posted in lean, old lean dude, kaizen, management, employees, 5S, labor day on August 30 , 2013.

Upstream Swimmers

I was asked recently by a colleague if I make stuff up for my blog. “Some of your stories seem too crazy,” he said. The answer is, no, I haven’t made..
This entry was posted in lean, old lean dude, continuous improvement, shingo prize, countermeasure, ontinuous improvement, hiroyuki hirano, change leaders on August 16 , 2013.

Is Lean the Dark Side of TPS?

I opened a fortune cookie yesterday, which read: “Understanding little is better than misunderstanding a lot.” Seems to me that we Lean wannabes..
This entry was posted in lean, old lean dude, TPS, kanban, Shingo, true north on August 08 , 2013.

Seeing the Invisible

[This post celebrates the product launch for a great new book Seeing The Invisible, authored by GBMP’s friend and collaborator, John Kravontka, and..
This entry was posted in lean, old lean dude, GBMP, Management Kaizen, northeast shingo prize conference, John Kravontka, total productive maintenance, TPM, bruce hamilton, equipment, failure, Fuss & O'Neill on July 26 , 2013.

Standardized Defects

Too often when corrective action is taken, the communication loop is not closed, turning containment into a frustrating, permanent practice. This Led..
This entry was posted in old lean dude on July 22 , 2013.


Padding factory performance has become a best practice at one company I visited recently. As I walked the floor with the site manager, I was..
This entry was posted in old lean dude on June 27 , 2013.

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