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Category Archives: Muri (6)

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Sometimes things that seem factual are not exactly true. Here are a few examples relating to inventory: When I was a materials manager the auditors..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, TPS, lean manufacturing, GBMP, Toast Kaizen, safety glasses, kaizen, hoshin kanri, TPM, 5S, true north, poka-yoke, optimization, toyota production system, inventory, made in america, Muri, shigeo shingo, made in the usa, value stream mapping on February 23 , 2011.

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There is a sign along a roadway I travel that puts a wonderfully positive spin on the purchase of a used car. A 2006 Rav4 with 59,000 miles may..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, TPS, lean manufacturing, GBMP, Toast Kaizen, ture north, safety glasses, kaizen, hoshin kanri, TPM, 5S, poka-yoke, lean in healthcare, toyota production system, inventory, made in america, Muri, shigeo shingo, made in the usa, value stream mapping on February 18 , 2011.

Tear Down This Wall

Twenty-two years ago, a symbol of huge ideological differences was demolished. Ronald Regan’s now famous speech at the Berlin Wall, given two years..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, GBMP, Toast Kaizen, safety glasses, kaizen, hoshin kanri, TPM, 5S, true north, poka-yoke, lean in healthcare, toyota production system, inventory, made in america, Muri, shigeo shingo, made in the usa, value stream mapping on February 16 , 2011.

Saw-Muri Warriors

I was joining a manager on a walk through his plant some time back when we came upon an automatic cut-off saw that was cutting twelve foot brass bars..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, GBMP, Toast Kaizen, safety glasses, kaizen, hoshin kanri, TPM, 5S, true north, poka-yoke, lean in healthcare, toyota production system, made in america, Muri, shigeo shingo, made in the usa, value stream mapping on February 11 , 2011.

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