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Category Archives: GBMP (4)

It’s a Small World After All

[Many thanks to Gerry Cronin and Julieanne Brandolini for passing along the following story about sharing between industry and healthcare. Gerry..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, GBMP, mass general hospital, MGH CCM, benchmarking, northeast lean conference, problem solving, pokayoke, 5S, lean in healthcare, mistake proofing on December 09 , 2013.

Half Full or Half Empty?

I’ve always felt the need to accentuate the positive, something I think I picked up from my mother. In tense situations she would always interject..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, GBMP, staff meetings, plant tours, bruce hamilton, idea systems, toyota production system on November 08 , 2013.

Seeing the Invisible

[This post celebrates the product launch for a great new book Seeing The Invisible, authored by GBMP’s friend and collaborator, John Kravontka, and..
This entry was posted in lean, old lean dude, GBMP, Management Kaizen, northeast shingo prize conference, John Kravontka, total productive maintenance, TPM, bruce hamilton, equipment, failure, Fuss & O'Neill on July 26 , 2013.

Early Bloomers

This winter has presented folks in my clime with a perpetual blanket of snow that hides most of the welcome signs of an approaching spring. There is..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, GBMP, Toast Kaizen, kaizen, shingo prize, bruce hamilton, lean in healthcare, Everybody Everyday, operational excellence on February 26 , 2013.

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