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Category Archives: continuous improvement (9)

Clearing the Bar

When I was fifty years younger and fifty pounds lighter I tried my hand at pole vaulting, a peculiar track and field event that involves running at..
This entry was posted in lean, old lean dude, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, Toast Kaizen, change management, coaching, management, bruce hamilton, lean in healthcare on December 02 , 2013.

Northeast Shingo Prize Conference Information Page

Click to Register We apologize for the horrible timing however GBMP's websites are undergoing intermittent maintenance ( and..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, continuous improvement, northeast shingo prize conference, northeast lean conference, best lean conference, arty byrne on September 10 , 2013.

Upstream Swimmers

I was asked recently by a colleague if I make stuff up for my blog. “Some of your stories seem too crazy,” he said. The answer is, no, I haven’t made..
This entry was posted in lean, old lean dude, continuous improvement, shingo prize, countermeasure, ontinuous improvement, hiroyuki hirano, change leaders on August 16 , 2013.

Culture Schmulture

Some time ago, while giving a presentation entitled Organizational Obstacles to Lean, I displayed a slide with the title “It’s Not about Culture”. My..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, TPS, continuous improvement, Management Kaizen, kaizen, bruce hamilton, toyota production system, Lean Management, John Shook, Lean Culture on June 21 , 2013.

Valu Ngineering

My son, Ben, asked me last week, “How come the bacon cooks better on Grandma’s pan?” I’d just fried up some bacon using a pan handed down from my..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, value engineering, cost, bruce hamilton, price, machining, operational excellence, profit on March 05 , 2013.

Early Bloomers

This winter has presented folks in my clime with a perpetual blanket of snow that hides most of the welcome signs of an approaching spring. There is..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, GBMP, Toast Kaizen, kaizen, shingo prize, bruce hamilton, lean in healthcare, Everybody Everyday, operational excellence on February 26 , 2013.

Death by Efficiency

I was reminded this week how problematical the conceptual blind spots in our management systems can be: An otherwise insightful and..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, demand, efficiency, Russ Scaffede, shingo prize, bruce hamilton, customer, upstream, local efficiency on February 11 , 2013.

Repetitive Madness

My last post about superficial improvement may have implied that the condition is limited to organizations with deep enough pockets to buy pricey..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, process improvement, kaizen on January 11 , 2013.

Overcoming TDD

Gross numbers reflecting American productivity can be misleading. When American companies outsource production, the labor “expense” is replaced with..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, national debt, kaizen, offshoring, shingo prize, trade deficit, made in america, outsourcing on September 21 , 2011.

Bending the Curve

America’s form of government, borne out of an ideal of freedom and equality, has, for all of our short-term criticisms, been the object of continuous..
This entry was posted in lean, old lean dude, continuous improvement, healthcare, jamie flinchbaugh, northeast shingo prize conference, harry moser, bruce hamilton, walter lowell, made in america, government, reshoring, manufacturing on September 14 , 2011.

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