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There was a time when it was not fashionable for managers to associate with front line employees. Alluding to an old adage, I used to joke that you..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, observation, administrative kaizen, manager standard work, lean in sales, pokayoke, bruce hamilton, gemba, lean in the office, Lean Culture on October 24 , 2014.


Not wishing to rub salt in the wounds of my beleaguered Red Sox, their meteoric rise from last place in 2012 to first place in 2013 and subsequent..
This entry was posted in lean, old lean dude, six sigma, continuous improvement, kaizen, overproduction, gemba, toyota production system, seven wastes, shigeo shingo on September 25 , 2014.

3P - Putting People Phirst

With our 10th Annual Northeast Conference just eight days away, I’ve taken a little poetic license with the conference theme, Putting People First,..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean thinking, GBMP, Toast Kaizen, northeast lean conference, kaizen, bruce hamilton, 3P, lean in healthcare, gemba, customer first, toyota production system on September 22 , 2014.

I'm Against It!

A recent viewing of a Marx Brothers film caused me to reflect on one of the questions I’m frequently asked, “How do you deal with people that are..
This entry was posted in lean, old lean dude, TPS, kaizen, lean in healthcare, gemba, toyota production system on September 02 , 2014.


A chance reading recently provided a thought from Henry Thoreau that I think is worth sharing. Thoreau said: “The greatest compliment that was ever..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, process improvement, northeast lean conference, kaizen, respect for people, bruce hamilton, idea systems on August 14 , 2014.

How We Learn

While I am an unabashed proponent of learning by doing, I have a list of books that have over the years been essential to me as a framework for..
This entry was posted in lean, old lean dude, continuous improvement, policy deployment, favorable environment, culture, kaizen, hoshin kanri, managerial engineering, bruce hamilton, ryuji fukuda, countermeasures, CEDAC, reliable methods on August 08 , 2014.

Frankenstein Equivalents

I was speaking with a friend about a recent downsizing at his church. After nine years, a popular priest had been reassigned to another parish. In an..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean thinking, full time equivalents, Frankenstein, northeast lean conference, bruce hamilton, lean in healthcare, employee engagement, FTEs, customer first thinking on July 22 , 2014.

Lesser Gods

I learned recently of the passing earlier this year of person I worked with twenty years ago at my last job in manufacturing. Manny S. was a ‘lesser..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, Silver Toaster Award, bruce hamilton, lean in healthcare, employee engagement, sensei, Northeast L.E.A.N. Conference on July 07 , 2014.

Where is the Frontline?

In recent years it’s become fashionable to talk about management’s support for the “frontline,” a peculiar idiom as frontline is technically defined..
This entry was posted in old lean dude on June 30 , 2014.

Addicted to Lean

One of my early lessons in leading change came at the age of 19, while working in in a program known as VISTA, Volunteers in Service to America. The..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, GBMP, Toast Kaizen, northeast lean conference, change agent, change management, addicted to lean, bruce hamilton on June 16 , 2014.

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