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Precisely Wrong

Last Thursday marked the fourth anniversary of the passing of someone who, while not typically credited as a “Lean” thinker, nevertheless had a..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, TPS, lean manufacturing, Eli Goldratt, Theory of Constraints, productivity, the goal, toyota production system, Standing on the Shoulders of Giants, TOC, effect-cause-effect, Ford on June 15 , 2015.

P-D Ratios

The last few weeks have been all things Shingo for me including a presentation at the Shingo Institute’s International Conference three weeks ago in..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, TPS, lean manufacturing, GBMP, muda, northeast lean conference, TPM, bruce hamilton, lean maturity, lean in healthcare, MRP, shigeo shingo, culture of improvement on May 27 , 2015.

Senior Moments

I was speaking last week with, Jen, a senior manager at a large manufacturer, and she commented to me, “I know it’s important for me to get to the..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, Toast Kaizen, Shingo Institute, gemba walks, standard work, manager standard work, lean training dvds on April 30 , 2015.


Sometimes we receive unreasonable and confusing directions, and sometimes we give them. Check out this example. As in the short video clip, even if..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, Toast Kaizen, Shingo Institute, continuous improvement resolutions, bruce hamilton, toyota production system, shigeo shingo on April 13 , 2015.

The Emperor’s New Huddle Boards

After a one-day observation at a local company, I participated in a wrap-up meeting with the General Manager and his team. “We’ve been at this for..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, shingo prize, problem solving, bruce hamilton, A3, Huddle Boards on March 23 , 2015.

A Tale of Two Communities

There was a time when “community” was narrowly defined as “a group of people living in the same place.” I have distant recollections of a Boy Scout..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, lean enterprise institute, community of lean, benchmarking, LEI, toyota production system, membership on March 17 , 2015.

Musical Kata

I sang baritone and sometimes tenor in the St. John’s Lutheran Church choir according the key of the hymn were rehearsing and also depending upon who..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, kata, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, improvement kata, toyota kata, mike rother, coaching kata, bruce hamilton, toyota production system, healthcare kata, operational excellence on February 17 , 2015.

Artificial Ignorance

For a few years back in the early ‘80’s I fell prey to information automation fascination. I managed an IT department transitioning first from a..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, artificial ignorance, kanban. Bruce Hamiton, inventory control system, Eli Goldratt, Joe Weizenbaum, MRP, information automation, ERP, basic accounting system, shigeo shingo on January 29 , 2015.

A Holiday Miracle

Viewing Bill Murray’s “Scrooged” last week for the twenty-fifth time in as many years, I recalled a kind of holiday miracle I witnessed shortly after..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, lean thinking, GBMP, Toast Kaizen, Management Kaizen, lean training, Taiichi Ohno, bruce hamilton, ohno circle, gemba, employee engagement on December 31 , 2014.

Dead See Scrolls

I participated recently in the AME conference in Jacksonville, Florida; a terrific rally for manufacturing excellence with the tongue-twisting theme..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, GBMP, Taiichi Ohno, TEI, respect for people, bruce hamilton, People powered excellence, employee engagement, shigeo shingo, Total Employee Involvement, The Shingo Institute on November 26 , 2014.

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