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Bump and Grind

Here’s a personal reflection from my distant past, but which might still be a current state for some of you. When I began working in manufacturing..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, lean thinking, Deming, lean leadership, toyota production system, lead times on February 24 , 2016.

Ludicrous Speed

Mel Brooks fans will remember Spaceballs, his jocular jibe at the Star Wars epic. In pursuit of a rebel ship, evil Lord Dark Helmet (Rick Moranis)..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, kata, lean manufacturing, kanban, continuous improvement, GBMP, TPM, bruce hamilton, lean in healthcare, toyota production system on February 08 , 2016.

Another Use for Duct Tape

Here’s a post inspired by the glut of recent football weekends. Lou Holtz, the legendary college and pro football coach offers the following advice..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, six sigma, continuous improvement, Management Kaizen, Duct tape, kaizen, problem solving culture, toyota production system, gemba walk, Lean Culture on January 11 , 2016.

True North Pole

Many years ago a small expedition to the North Pole was funded by several American toy manufacturers, anxious to better understand how Santa’s..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, six sigma, continuous improvement, lean thinking, process, production, 7 wastes, true north, toyota production system on December 23 , 2015.

Mistake-Proofing Mistakes

There is a popular lore provided by Shigeo Shingo, that the original name for mistake-proofing (Poka-Yoke) was “fool-proofing” (Baka-Yoke). Shingo..
This entry was posted in lean, old lean dude, six sigma, continuous improvement, standard work, error-proofing, pokayoke, poka-yoke, toyota production system, shigeo shingo, mistake proofing, manufacturing on December 08 , 2015.

Lazy Lean Guy

In 1987, shortly after I became a manufacturing manager, the shop foreman at the time warned me about a young assembler: “Watch out for Michael, he’s..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, TPS, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, Taiichi Ohno, Non-stock production, toyota production system, better faster cheaper easier, shigeo shingo on November 12 , 2015.

Burning Platform

A favorite Twilight Zone episode that played Labor Day weekend put me in mind of the stressful push production environment that many organizations..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, lean manufacturing, kanban, 7 wastes, overproduction, pull production, push production, shigeo shingo on September 22 , 2015.

Putting The Pieces Together

Summer’s here, and that means a family vacation to the beach, the boardwalk and the Hamilton’s favorite Pizza place. We all agree that Manco’s pizza..
This entry was posted in lean, old lean dude, continuous improvement, Toast Kaizen, improvement kata, Pizza, northeast lean conference, kaizen, bruce hamilton, toyota production system, Lean Culture on July 24 , 2015.

Up, Back and Around

Watching the US Women’s Team take the World Cup last week caused me to reminisce about my short-term coaching stint of a U12 soccer team. Before..
This entry was posted in old lean dude, TPS, lean manufacturing, lean thinking, Toast Kaizen, kaizen, practice, true north, lean in healthcare, teamwork, Toyota Product System, gemba walk, Lean Culture on July 13 , 2015.

Long-Term Sinking

This past week my organization, GBMP, moved from our home of twenty years at the Boston campus of the University of Massachusetts. The UMB College of..
This entry was posted in lean, old lean dude, continuous improvement, Shingo Institute, Stability, toyota production system, foundation on June 30 , 2015.

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